Leeon Dube

My name is Leeon Dube and I am Dedicated, Passionate, Goal driven and I do exceptional service delivery.

I was born in Zimbabwe and I grow up in South Africa, I have less than a year in digital market and its a skill I've taken hundred of hours to cultivate, through Scott max education and other renowned market leaders. I specialize in digital campaigns and search engine optimization and the current website you reading now serves as part of the work I have completed within the marketing field including other entities as indicated below.

I am an extravert, observant and intuitive but am also energized by my alone time and like to spend time on ideas and concepts, I also like to take sometime of by visiting nature and reconnecting with universe. My life as a marketer is quite simple but interesting, my day start with prayer and meditation, then gym, podcast, read a book then I spend the rest of the day working and upskilling.

My drive for my career comes from the love of marketing, I want to help entrepreneurs achieve their business goals, improve awareness, increase sales, expand their market share. I am also driven by a dream of my own, to make Africa great again. I want to take part in helping build giant startups cooperations in Africa and I believe with marketing my dream can be fulfilled. I am also incredibly motivated by the love and support from my family and those who look up to me.

Advertising Model

- Salience
- Getting noticed, emotional response
- Relevant association
- Refreshing and building memory structures
- Reaching
- Continuous presense

Consumer Behaviour Model

-Behaviour drives attitude
- Loyal switchers
- Uncaring cognitive misers
- Heuristics
- Emotional distracted viewers

Brand Performance Model

- Growth through penetration
- Predictable, meaningful brand metrics
- Price promotions reach existing loyal customers
- Sophisticated mass marketing
- We compete with all brands in the category
- Distinctiveness

I believe in transparency, integrity, and a commitment to delivering results for my clients.

I am set to empower businesses by creating impactful data driven strategies, that connect with audience and drive measurable growth, by leveraging social media platforms to build strong brand awareness and foster meaningful customer relationships across all online channels.

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